HTML Basics

HTML Made Simple

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Hello, my dear fellow bloggers, I'm here with the new topic "HTML Basics". I will teach you in a very simple language that you could understand very easily. I will try to jot down all my information and knowledge in this blog to help you out with HTML Basics.

What is HTML?, What do you understand by it? Let me explain, HTML stands for HyperText Markup language. HTML is a markup specification language that is used to create the structure of webpages. Think of it like it is a skeleton and CSS is the skin, nose, ears, etc to beautify the body and JavaScript is the life induced in the body so that it can move and show its dynamic behavior. We use HTML to create the structure of the webpage, CSS to design the structure, and JavaScript to increase the interactivity of the webpage. Back to the topic again, HTML uses several tags and attributes to structure the content on a webpage, these tags and attributes instruct the browser how to display the content on the webpage.

A tag in HTML is a coded element that tells the browser how to display content on the webpage. A tag is written in angle brackets(<, >), and they come in pairs: start tag(<tagname>) and end tag(</tagname>). There are two types of tags:~ Container tags and empty tags(also known as self-closing tags). Container tag has both start and end tag, while empty tags have only a start tag. Examples of container tags are <Html>, <Head>, <Body>, etc., and examples of empty tags are <br>, <hr>, <img, etc. An attribute is a special property given to a tag. It provides additional information about the tag. It gives a final touch-up to the Html tag. The html element is the complete structure of the start tag, content, and end tag. E.g. <h1>This complete structure is called the element</h1>. Remember, one thing, Html is not case-sensitive which means the tags can be written in capital or small, for example, html can be written as <HTML> or <html>.

I hope you find this information valuable and I will be back again with HTML Basics. I will also share my ongoing full-stack web dev journey with you, my challenges, how I overcame them, etc, etc. Till then, stay connected, Bbye.